Featured Speakers
8 July, Singapore
GELC 2022 will explore how COVID-19 has re-shaped educational leadership in Singapore and around the world. It will explore what it means to lead effectively in this age of disruption, how educational leaders can and should seize opportunities and expand possibilities of what schooling and learning can be. Participants will explore with speakers how to design learning in an age of disruption to prepare our young to be resilient and responsive. In such uncertain times, speakers will share what it means to inspire hope in individuals and organisations as well-being takes on a central role.
Join us at GELC 2022 to find out how.
The topic and speakers deeply enrich me! Though it's virtual, there is no temptation to multitask as the speakers were inspiring and valuable.
Interesting insights from speakers. Great personal stories that I can relate to.
Good choice of speakers. Life experiences touch the heart and are impactful.
Life experiences shared by the speakers are good takeaways for me to inspire my colleagues and students.
Many, many takeaways! Every keynote presented comprehensive and inspirational lessons for reflection and follow-up action.
Good that we have perspectives not just from general education but also from other sectors and even other countries.